Reality Thins Featured in International Special Edition

I am really pleased to announce that my art short ‘Reality Thins’ has been featured, along with an extensive interview with me in this years Cinewomen Magazine. I had sent off the entry some time ago and just got on with studying and then they contacted me to tell me the good news. 

The Cinewomen, based in Berlin, have been a total pleasure and asked a lot of pertinent and interesting questions, many thanks!

Here is a link to the magazine;

I hope you enjoy it, feel free to share as this competition runs annually and it is always good to raise awareness of these opportunities.


Frequencies has arrived, the next show, all hung/installed today. It has been a great couple of days at The Arts Institute in Plymouth, this is a big thank you to them and Liz Nicol for guidance and help with the install, roll on Friday for the private view. 

Looking forward to the next show….

Deciding which work to use for the upcoming show was not difficult, I have been waiting to use the work I made about well spring in Dartmoor National Park that is concerned with health, myth and physical presence. Jem Southam has to be thanked for the inspiration for this project. 

A combination of microscopy, medical imaging, landscape photography and traditional darkroom techniques have been employed to create the imagery and this will be displayed from the 30th November in the Roland Levinsky building at the University of Plymouth. 

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